
I think Bitcoin really feels empowering in a sense. — Vitalik Buterin

The STM token is a utility token, serving as a valuable digital asset within its ecosystem while following the Token Flow Dynamics model.

Token Flow Dynamics

The Token Flow Dynamics is a continuous issuing model designed to persist indefinitely.

It is characterized by the absence of pre-minting or advantages for any participant, ensuring a completely fair model for all ecosystem participants.

  • No pre-minted tokens.

  • No allocations.

  • No incentives.

The model also adheres to a pre-defined issuance policy, ensuring:

  • Transparent and predictable token supply dynamics.

  • A fair distribution of tokens among participants.

  • Reduced inflationary pressures.

Token details



Smart Contract

ERC-20 Token Standard





The primary purpose of the STM token is to provide Stamp owners with immediate and guaranteed exit liquidity at any given time.

The secondary purpose of the STM token is to serve as a medium of exchange for trading Stamps within the off-chain & on-chain marketplaces, such as our platform or any third-party marketplace, respectively.

This comprehensive approach enables Stamp owners to exchange unwanted Stamps for valuable ecosystem assets, such as STM tokens, which can then be used to acquire the desired Stamps.

The tertiary purpose of the STM token is to acquire credits, which can be used to issue Stamps.

To discover more about the utility and interactions of the STM token within the ecosystem, visit the Economy section.

Issuance Policy

  1. The Treasury is the only authorized party to issue STM tokens.

  2. All STM tokens are exclusively issued in exchange for Stamps on a 1:1 ratio.

  3. All Stamps received are held in the Treasury serving as collateral.

Burning Policy

Our token burning method involves sending the STM tokens to a specific irrecoverable address (0xffff...), effectively removing them from active circulation, while retaining them in the total supply and still maintaining the immutable 1:1 ratio between Stamps in the Treasury and STM tokens issued.

While participants have the freedom to burn STM tokens using their preferred methods, we encourage the use of our token burning method. This approach allows us to maintain a comprehensive record of all burned STM tokens.


Our smart contracts adhere to the ERC-20 token standard, establishing a robust framework for security and compliance. We extend an open invitation to any third party interested in conducting an audit, as we are committed to transparency and the continuous improvement of our token ecosystem.


We have the capability to rectify, enhance, and upgrade the smart contracts associated with the STM token. We are committed to refining and optimizing the STM token's smart contracts, ensuring their robustness and functionality in order to provide users with a seamless and secure experience.

Regulatory Compliance

The legal status of the STM token and its compliance with regulatory requirements are addressed in the following legal opinion letter.

Last updated